
Woman Owned: The Growth Podcast for Women Entrepreneurs

Get inspired as Eleanor shares transparent insights about her own journey bootstrapping a media and coaching company from a $5K business loan to millions in revenue. A practical business and leadership podcast for the established woman entrepreneur who wants to go from good to great. Woman Owned brings you case-study style interviews where leading entrepreneurs and CEOs share detailed breakdowns of specific growth strategies, how they implemented them and the financial results. Host Eleanor Beaton goes beyond pop psychology and woo to deliver hard-hitting insights on how social conditioning impacts women leaders and CEOs and what to do about it. Tune in weekly for practical growth playbooks on sales, marketing, wealth building and leadership. This show holds over 1.6 million downloads and a global top 1% ranking.
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Woman Owned: The Growth Podcast for Women Entrepreneurs











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Now displaying: April, 2017
Apr 26, 2017

J.J. DiGeronimo is the president of Tech Savvy Women, an international organization of experienced women in tech careers and organizations. Shortly after graduating college with a degree in computer information systems, she began her career designing data center infrastructures for Fortune 500 companies before deciding to quit her lucrative job and follow her passion. J.J. is the author of two books, including the newly released Accelerate Your Impact: Action Based Strategies to Pave Your Professional Path.

Today, J.J. joins me on the show to share her thoughts on self-efficacy and the challenges women in the tech industry often face today. We also discuss what women can do to advance their careers while following their passion within their organization, or how to start your entrepreneurial journey the smart way.


“If you’re not really clear on where you are and where you want to go, it’s very difficult for other people to help you.” – J.J. DiGeronimo


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Why you need to assess your professional network – and how.
  • The difference between how men and women network with others.
  • What is self-efficacy and how can you learn it.
  • How learning self-efficacy can help you discover new opportunities.
  • How to get the most out of organized networking events.
  • How career coaching is different from mentorships and sponsorships.


J.J.’s Top 3 Success Tips for Women Making the Entrepreneurial Leap:

  1. Get the right people around you.
  2. Make sure you know who your customer is and what problem you are solving.
  3. Make sure you are marketing yourself and pricing yourself appropriately.


Connect with J.J. DiGeronimo:

 Download the Tip sheets with JJ's Insight's here.


Love the show? Let us know!              

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!           


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!           


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…                     

Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!           

Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit           


Register for Your Million Dollar Message Women’s Leadership Retreat 

Are you interested in creating a powerful signature speech, owning your leadership presence, and leveraging it to receive breakout business results in 2017? Register for Eleanor’s Million Dollar Message Women’s Leadership Retreat – an exquisite, 3-day face-to-face retreat with powerhouse women leaders in Toronto, Canada.  


If you’d like to explore how you can deliver your message to the world and use it to take your business to the next level, join our group of powerhouse female leaders on May 26-28 in Toronto. For more details and register for this amazing, powerful event, visit 


A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors          


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.        


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!     

Apr 21, 2017

What are the three most powerful skills a female leader in business needs to succeed in a highly competitive, male-dominant industry? Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia is a powerhouse female STEM leader and the President and CEO of the organization, Digital Nova Scotia – a nonprofit organization that helps develop digital technology throughout the Canadian region. Her organization is making some serious waves in their growth and impact on the digital economy as well as profiling and supporting women in the digital sector.

Ulrike’s career spans 5 geographic regions and she’s a multi-lingual, award-winning entrepreneur who has been named one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women for two consecutive years, a WCT Wave Maker, a Top 50 CEO by the Atlantic Business Magazine, as well as one of the 40 Top Change Makers in Canada by Canadian Living. She has also received the esteemed Progress Women’s Excellent Award.

Ulrike has over 20 years of global experience in the information and communications technology industry and on today’s episode, she shares her story of how she went from a background in artistry to one of the most successful female leaders in the digital technology industries. She also shares the top three most powerful skills she believes every female leader needs to truly succeed in business, in life, in order to shatter the glass ceiling, overcome gender bias, and pave the way for true gender equality and diversity.


“Entrepreneurship is an attitude and a mindset.” – Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia



Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • The three key elements of successful female leaders
  • Having a natural tendency to confront and conquer challenges
  • Assessing yourself – honestly and frequently – and the impact it can have on you as a leader
  • Handling feedback
  • Reframing big challenges as opportunities
  • Overcoming gender bias


Ulrike’s Advice to Fierce Feminine Leaders:

  • If you see something that you feel is too big for you – it might not be too big. Just go for it.
  • Find your way. Always learn and interact with people to understand and ask questions.
  • Don’t take things personally.


Ulrike’s Top 3 Success Tips to Emerging Feminine Leaders:

  1. Have a positive attitude.
  2. Be authentic. Be yourself.
  3. Be adaptable. Those that are most adaptable survive – not those that are most intelligent.


Connect with Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia:


 Download the Tip Sheet with Ulrike's Insight's here.


Love the show? Let us know!         

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!         


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!         


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…         


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!         


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit         


A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors        


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.        

Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!   


Apr 19, 2017

In episode 151 of the Fierce Feminine Leadership podcast, Amy Jo Kim provided powerful insight from the game design industry on ways you can create innovative ideas and turn them into highly successful products and services. During the conversation, the idea of “killing your darlings” came up numerous times as well as why it’s important to evaluate, assess, and let go of the things that are not working for your project, business, or organization.

Today, I want to discuss what it means to “kill your darlings” and why taking this step is often one of the hardest for many entrepreneurs and female leaders. I also want to share the positive impact that letting go of what’s not working can have on your business or organization once you get past the emotional aspect of “killing your baby” and begin pruning it to perfection as well as share some key questions you should ask to help identify what is working, what’s not working, and what your next steps should be.

When you’re willing to kill off the darlings to preserve the body of strength of your work, you will find that not only do you develop a deeper sense of confidence, but your relationship with your tribe and overall effectiveness is greatly enhanced.


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • The emotional aspect of killing your darlings
  • Why it’s important to prune what’s not working to make room for things that work
  • Utilizing feedback from “fussy” clients and customers


3 “Darling Killing” Questions You Should Be Asking:

  1. What should you keep doing because it’s working?
  2. What should you stop doing because it is not working?
  3. What should you start doing because it would be even more helpful?

Click here for the free How to Kill Your Darlings worksheet


Love the show? Let us know!       

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!        


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!        


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…        

Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!        


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit        


A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors       


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.     


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!  


Apr 12, 2017

As entrepreneurs, we hear all the time that we need to build our audiences and grow our businesses through authenticity and authority. But what does that actually mean? How do you build your authority in a highly competitive marketplace with a low barrier to entry – such as coaching or consulting? How do you distinguish yourself from the rest in your industry, and position yourself as the expert in your field?

On today’s episode of Fierce Feminine Leadership, I want to share with you six steps you can take to help cultivate your authority, position yourself as an expert, and take your business to the next level.



Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Why you should invest time in courses, reading materials, and certifications within your industry
  • How to engage with the thought leaders in your industry
  • How publishing your ideas and thoughts helps position you as an expert in your field
  • Why you should share your awards and accomplishments with others


6 Steps to Cultivate Your Authority

  1. Cultivate mastery in your field
  2. Read the latest research
  3. The power of association
  4. Publish, publish, publish, publish
  5. Highlight your awards and accomplishments
  6. Become your own media empire



Love the show? Let us know!     


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!      


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!      



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…      


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!      


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit      




A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors     


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.   


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!



Apr 10, 2017

Have you ever thought about how your clothes impact your self-esteem and the way you feel? Whether you are stepping out on a stage to give a presentation to a massive audience, dressing for success for a day at the office, or you’re wearing your “comfy clothes” while running the kids to soccer practice, your style and the clothes you wear have an impact on the way you feel about yourself, your success, and how you present yourself to the world.

On today’s episode, my guest is personal stylist Maegan Watson. Maegan is a dear friend and colleague of mine and the founder of Watson Style Group – a group dedicated to creating wardrobes that help people feel the way they want and love the way they look. She has over 10 years of experience helping women transform their wardrobes and put an end to the seemingly unending question: “What should I wear today?” Maegan shares her thoughts on how style is different from fashion and the insights she has learned from conducting hundreds of in-depth conversations and interviews with women about their style and how it affects their overall view of themselves and how they feel.


“When we have a wardrobe or an outfit that reminds us of what we want, they become an anchor.” – Maegan Watson


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Style is creating the image that is going to make you know yourself on a deeper level.
  • All women want the same things when it comes to style – they all want to be able to reflect something about themselves.
  • Reflecting your personal and professional mission through your style and wardrobe.
  • Addressing the idea that style is frivolous or meaningless and why it’s important.
  • The process Maegan uses to personalize wardrobes for her clients.
  • The dynamic approach her team uses to support her clients wardrobe transformations.


Maegan’s Tips for Enhancing Your Style:

  • Stop focusing on how you look. Focus on how you feel in outfits.


Connect with Maegan Watson:



Love the show? Let us know!    


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!     


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!     



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…     


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!     


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit     




A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors    


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of MontrealThe Bank for Women.  



Apr 7, 2017

Whether you’ve been in business for several years or are just getting started, scaling your business can be scary and complicated – but also incredibly rewarding. My guest today, Sue Bennett, is the Principle and CEO of Bennett Design Associates, Inc. – a company she founded 20 years ago, and has grown from the ground up. She is also the owner of the Air Force Mavericks All-Star Cheerleading Club, a company she founded from her passion and love for gymnastics and cheer.

Sue’s company, Bennett Design, started with a vision to build a better design firm; one that focused on delivering “detail-driven design.” Today, it is one of the largest interior design firms in Toronto with over 40 people on staff. Her company has developed proprietary software for workplace strategy and project management to provide her clients with the absolute best service available.

On today’s episode, she shares her story of how she got started in business and her journey to success, her secrets of scaling – not one, but two – highly successful businesses, and what she identified as the turning point in her career that helped her on her journey to success.


“Every time you grow, you need to make sure you are considering the people working, what’s working for them, and what’s not.” – Sue Bennett


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Being curious and how following your curiosity can be a huge success factor for your business.
  • The critical nature of having self-belief an its role in achieving success.
  • Evolving your business to keep pace with the modern workforce.
  • Strategies to improve your workplace and work environment.


How to Scale Successfully & Thoughtfully:

  • Create a business plan and write it down.
  • Don’t scale just for the sake of scaling. Have intentional growth.
  • Hire slow, fire fast.


Connect with Sue Bennett:


Click here to receive the free Establishing a Clear Set of Ideals worksheet


Love the show? Let us know! 

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!   


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!   


And,if youreallywant to ramp up your fierceness…   


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!   

Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit     


A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors 

This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal.  


Apr 5, 2017

Being laid off is hard for everyone. My guest today is Kelly Meerbott. In 2009, Kelly was laid off from her high-paid, high-flying job as a Senior Executive of a Fortune 500 company, along with many of her co-workers. Today, Kelly is the founder of the company YOU: Loud and Clear, a highly sought-after coaching business where she helps executives and corporate leaders elevate their businesses, teams, and results to a higher level of consciousness, unlocking tangible results as well as the personal and spiritual benefits.

On today’s episode, Kelly shares how she navigated the turning point of being laid off to growing a highly successful business as a leadership coach and speaker. She shares how she got started in her business, the power of resilience, and the importance of having patience in all areas of your business or organization.


“Embrace the pain. Try to endure it because the more you resist it, the more it’s going to come back in full force.” – Kelly Meerbott



Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • How your physical body can sometimes indicate that you need to pivot your career – even before your heart and head.
  • Your social self and what can happen when it is at odds with who you really are.
  • Honing emotional intelligence and creating a culture of ownership.
  • Raising the level of consciousness inside your business to drive results.
  • Being a good corporate citizen and being socially responsible within and outside of your business or organization.
  • How to build a diverse culture within your organization.
  • Being resilient and unafraid of failure.
  • How painful moments and experiences in your career are important for making changes.


Connect with Kelly Meerbott:



Love the show? Let us know!   


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!    


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!    



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…    


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!    


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit    




A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors   


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal.