
Woman Owned: The Growth Podcast for Women Entrepreneurs

Get inspired as Eleanor shares transparent insights about her own journey bootstrapping a media and coaching company from a $5K business loan to millions in revenue. A practical business and leadership podcast for the established woman entrepreneur who wants to go from good to great. Woman Owned brings you case-study style interviews where leading entrepreneurs and CEOs share detailed breakdowns of specific growth strategies, how they implemented them and the financial results. Host Eleanor Beaton goes beyond pop psychology and woo to deliver hard-hitting insights on how social conditioning impacts women leaders and CEOs and what to do about it. Tune in weekly for practical growth playbooks on sales, marketing, wealth building and leadership. This show holds over 1.6 million downloads and a global top 1% ranking.
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Woman Owned: The Growth Podcast for Women Entrepreneurs











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Nov 29, 2018

Corporate boards – the prestigious, upper echelon seats of corporate companies and organizations around the world. Thousands of women around the world dream of having a seat at these tables, to have a voice during these important meetings, and to make an impact for their company or organization.

But, how do you get a seat at the big tables where decisions are made? How do you get your voice and ideas heard and respected by your corporate peers?

My guest today is Deborah Rosati, an accomplished corporate director on a mission to help women take their rightful place at the big tables. She is an entrepreneur, professional accountant, and certified corporate director with more than 30 years of experience in technology, consumer retail, private equity, and venture capital. Deborah is the co-founder of Women Get on Board – a leading member-based company that connects, promotes, and empowers women to corporate boards.

Deborah joins me on the show today to share the tools, strategies, and insight on how to find your voice, challenge ideas and ask thought-provoking questions – in a group setting – in an effective way. She also shares her career advice to help you step up your game and take a seat at the big tables within your organization.


“Use your confidence to embrace change.” – Deborah Rosati


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Why it is important to have more women serving on corporate boards.
  • Deborah’s opinion of mandated quotas for women on corporate boards.
  • Career development tips to advance your career and have a seat at the big tables.
  • Why it is important to arrive early or stay late at board meetings.



3 Critical Strategies for Women to Get on Boards:

  1. Be fearless.
  2. Get involved in your community.
  3. Challenge yourself, explore new opportunities, and ask questions.



Connect with Deborah Rosati:


Love the show? Let us know!   


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!    


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!    



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…    


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!    


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit    




A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors   


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of MontrealThe Bank for Women



Nov 8, 2018

Are there things in your life, business, or career that you want to achieve, but require you to step out of your comfort zone? You know what you need to do, but you’re not comfortable with doing it – so you don’t.

When we get right down to it – most of us have the same desires. We want to be financially secure, healthy and have great relationships with those around us, but what really makes us unique are the challenges that we face and the difficulties we are willing to deal with.

Ladies, it’s time for a little tough love. Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of picking your pain – and doing it wisely.


All too often, it’s not the scale of our dreams that undoes us. It’s the pain that we choose.


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Why women often don’t step out of their comfort zone.
  • Common ways women avoid leaving their comfort zone to achieve their desires.
  • Going after what you want won’t be painless, but can often be more rewarding.


Love the show? Let us know!             

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!                      

What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!             



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…             


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!             


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit             



Register for Your Million Dollar Message Women’s Leadership Retreat   

Are you interested in creating a powerful signature speech, owning your leadership presence, and leveraging it to receive breakout business results in 2017? Register for Eleanor’s Million Dollar Message Women’s Leadership Retreat – an exquisite, 3-day face-to-face retreat with powerhouse women leaders in Toronto, Canada.    


If you’d like to explore how you can deliver your message to the world and use it to take your business to the next level, join our group of powerhouse female leaders on May 26-28 in Toronto. For more details and register for this amazing, powerful event, visit   



A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors            


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.          


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!       



Sep 27, 2018

When you look at the thought-leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs around the world that are making a huge impact on society, you may notice that they all share an uncanny ability to determine what is possible – not just what is logical or realistic. They have the unique ability to distort reality – in the right way. To make a big impact in today’s world – to be creative and innovative – entrepreneurs must be able to “think-outside-the-box.”

In previous episodes, we talked a lot about creating your 2017 goals and prosperity plans. Today, I want to share with you why it is critical that you – my fierce feminine leadership tribe – that you understand how to distort reality correctly to achieve your goals, dreams, and aspirations so they become possible and profitable.


The right way to distort reality is to believe that your dreams are possible.


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • You need to think of things – not as they are – but as they could be.
  • Entrepreneurs have to have a certain level of reality distortion in order to create great things and take risks to make their dreams real.
  • Ignore the nay-sayers. Trust in yourself and your dreams.
  • The wrong way to distort reality is to grossly underestimate what it takes to get where you want to go.
  • If you want to create great results, you must be willing to invest the time and work it takes to get things done.


2 Rules of Reality Distortion:

  1. Believe your dreams are possible.
  2. Don’t underestimate what is required to achieve your dreams.


Dial Up Your Impact, Influence, and Income in 2017 

Are you ready to take your leadership and influence to the next level in 2017? Join Impact & Influence Leadership Lab for Women with Eleanor Beaton – the world’s premier leadership training and implementation program designed specifically for female leaders! This is a 6-week mentoring program for professional, ambitious women in business who are ready to take their leadership skills to the next level and truly step into their power. Visit the Leadership Lab for Women website to see all of the amazing content, tools, and services you will receive by registering today to claim your seat at the table! 



Love the show? Let us know!     


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know!     

Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!     


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave your review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!     


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…     


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!     


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible.     




Sep 20, 2018

What are your “wins?” If you are like many of the fierce feminine leaders that I coach, mentor, and teach – you probably answer that question by starting with: “Well, this isn’t much of a win, but…” or, “I’m not really good at this, but…”

Does that sound like you?

On today’s episode, I want to talk to you about the things that many ambitious women say about themselves and how they “show up” in today’s modern business world. After all, the way you show up, the things you say about yourself, and the confidence you have about yourself and your accomplishments is often the lasting impression that other people remember about you.


Diminishing ourselves can become an unfortunate habit that reinforces itself.


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Showing up authentically and with power
  • The difference between being dishonest with yourself about your abilities and being intentional about how you show up to others
  • The power of being confident in yourself, your abilities, and your accomplishments


 Receive your free Weekly Wins Worksheet here.


Love the show? Let us know!         

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!          


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!          


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…                   

Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!                   

Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit          


Register for Your Million Dollar Message Women’s Leadership Retreat

Are you interested in creating a powerful signature speech, owning your leadership presence, and leveraging it to receive breakout business results in 2017? Register for Eleanor’s Million Dollar Message Women’s Leadership Retreat – an exquisite, 3-day face-to-face retreat with powerhouse women leaders in Toronto, Canada.

If you’d like to explore how you can deliver your message to the world and use it to take your business to the next level, join our group of powerhouse female leaders on May 26-28 in Toronto. For more details and register for this amazing, powerful event, visit


A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors         


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.       


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!    



Aug 23, 2018

Kristy Wallace is a speaker and leader on driving business change through leadership, engagement, business diversity, social entrepreneurship, networking, personal branding, and work-life balance. She is the President of Ellevate network – an organization on a mission to close the gender achievement gap in business by providing professional women with a global community to learn and gain support from their female peers. Kristy is the host of the Ellevate podcast and has been recognized by New York Business Journal as a Woman of Influence.

She joins me on the show today to share her story of how taking breaks in her career helped her identify her true passion and mission in life and business. We also discuss some of the biggest changes in the workforce for women and what the power of networking and nurturing your relationships can do when you pivot into a new career path.


“We are continuously evolving and changing as individuals. The person you are today is not the person you were last week.” – Kristy Wallace


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • How staying open to learning new things and taking risks can help propel your career forward
  • How taking breaks can give you clarity on what you want from your career and how it aligns with your dreams, goals, and priorities.
  • How the power of networking and identifying what drives you can impact your career choices.
  • How to set the course for where you want to be in your career.
  • Changing the conversation around gender bias, gender diversity, and gender equality.
  • The impact of corporate feminism on society.


Kristy’s Words of Wisdom:

  • Take some time to really reassess, regroup, and rethink about yourself, your priorities, and your goals.
  • Always work networking into your life and continue to cultivate your networks and relationships.

Connect with Kristy Wallace:

Love the show? Let us know!                    

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!                                       

What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!                     


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…                            

Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!                           

Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit                     



A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors                   

This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.                            

Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!   



Aug 9, 2018

When an opportunity comes knocking on your door what do you do? Do you weigh the pros and cons of accepting that new position or working on that new project? Or do you immediately say ‘Sure, I’ll try that!’ My guest today has worked her way up through the leadership ranks throughout her career by never turning down a challenge. Christine Nigro, Vice-Chairwoman of AXA Advisors, LLC and Managing Director for AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company based in New York, joins me today to give you powerful advice on climbing the leadership ladder toward career success.

Download The Worksheet Here

She shares her story about how she never turned down an opportunity, even when she knew she didn’t check all of the qualification boxes to complete a new project or accept a new job – and in doing so, she explains how her “never say no to a challenge” motto has helped her advance her career far beyond the norm. She shares practical advice on what you can do to help grow your networking team, find people willing to sponsor and vouch for your skills, as well as how to speak up in a board room meeting when you don’t agree with something being said without coming off too aggressively to your co-workers and peers.

“When presented with an opportunity to learn something, don’t worry about where it will take you in your career. Just take the opportunity.” – Christine Nigro


Here’s a Breakdown of Today’s Show:

  • Christine’s journey to success – how she became an expert in running local businesses for large international companies.
  • Why she believes it’s important for women to be willing to take risks.
  • How asking continually asking questions helped her advance her career.
  • Why she believes women should focus on things they are good at.
  • Why she believes it’s important to identify the people who can help you.
  • What role has sponsors played in her career and how has she found them.
  • How critical was it for her to be in an operational role and why we don’t see more women accepting these roles?


Christine’s 3 Practical Tips for Being Assertive Without Being Aggressive:

  1. State your concern in the form of a question.
  2. Be willing to “wear some labels.”
  3. Allow people to have some of the culture they grew up with.


Christine’s Top 3 Pieces of Advice:

  1. You really have to like what you are doing.
  2. Let your natural competitiveness out and allow it to be seen by others.
  3. Find the fun in everything you do.

My Invitation To You!

Are you working within an organization or feeling stuck or stagnate in your career and know you are capable of so much more? Are you an entrepreneur and know that you’re playing small, could be charging more for your work or know you are a thought-leader in your space and are struggling to get your message “out there?”

Join me for the world’s preeminent training program for women in business: The Impact & Influence Leadership Lab for Women!

Enrollment is open for the world’s premier training and leadership implementation program for women who are ready to own their ambition and step into their power as confident and influential leaders that others will listen to, buy from, follow, and promote! This is a comprehensive, step-by-step leadership program that teaches you the high-level theory behind how 8-figure business women create outstanding results and how you can put these theories to work for your own life and career.

This 6-week group mentoring program is for women in business who are ready to show up as the leaders and influencers they are meant to be.

Enrollment is open for only 10 days, so head on over to the Leadership Lab for Women website and claim your seat today!


Love the show? Let us know!

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know!

Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!

What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!



Aug 2, 2018

Did you know, there is a single strategy that you can use to help you take quantum leaps in your business and career?

This single strategy has helped one entrepreneurs that I know increase her yearly sales by as much as $75,000. This same strategy is what has helped position our previous podcast guest, Charles Chang, as an expert in his field and helped significantly boost his company’s growth in a very short period of time.

But… this strategy takes courage. It takes guts. Ladies, it takes a serious pair of ovaries!

I’m talking about thought-leadership and preeminence.

So, how do you position yourself as a preeminent thought-leader in your industry, your business, or your career?

On today’s episode, I want to share with you the exact strategy that I have taught several of my clients – as well as one that I have used myself – to position themselves as a preeminent thought leader in their niche, their industry, and their specific area of expertise.

So, grab your cup of coffee or tea, sit back and relax, and let’s dive right in!


Positioning yourself as a preeminent thought-leader can help you take quantum leaps in your business and career – Eleanor Beaton


Here’s a Breakdown of Today’s Show:

  • Preeminence is positioning yourself as a thought-leader in your specific area of expertise.
  • It can help you create quantum leaps of you, whether you’re an entrepreneur or working within an organization and advancing your career
  • It’s about understanding that when you own, value, and share what you know and approach your work with the mindset that you’re in it to serve, educate, and contribute – you are without competition.
  • There are several key components to preeminence – the first, and most challenging one, is having the courage.
  • There are two big challenges to the preeminence strategy
  • There are many tactics you can use to position yourself into a preeminence position


Key Components to Preeminence:

  • Having the courage
  • Really knowing your stuff
  • Doing the inner work to give yourself permission and be a believable expert in your field
  • Creating a platform that allows you to demonstrate your expertise
  • Educate, serve, and show up as a person of intense value for your people or organization


Additional Resources Related to Creating Preeminence:


Are you ready to be more courageous, focused, and FIERCE this Fall?

Are you interested in stepping into the Fall season with more courage, more focus, more direction, and more fierceness?

We would love to help you!

Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!

Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible.



Love the show? Let us know!

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know!

Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!

What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!


Jul 31, 2018

Today’s episode was inspired by you – my wonderfully fierce feminine leaders listening to this podcast each week. In a recent survey, you asked me to share more tips on how to build and project confidence as well as overcome fears and obstacles you are dealing with in your career. 


Ask, and you shall receive! 

Today, I want to share with you five tips on how you can stand in your power while ‘plugging up’ various power leaks that you may be experiencing in your journey to becoming a high-achieving female leader. 

5 Keys to Standing in Your Power 

  1. Understand that criticism is a compliment. 
  • Criticism doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong. It just means you are playing a bigger game. 
  1. Take nothing personally. 
  • When you take things personally, it not only affects you – it affects your family, your business, and your team. 
  1. Learn to work with those you don’t like. 
  • You don’t have to like everyone, but you do have to be able to work well with everyone. 
  1. Brains don’t compensate for a lack of self-awareness. 
  • No amount of education or training can compensate for your lack of self-awareness. 
  • Continue to invest in and deepen your self-awareness. 
  • Be a fan of humility. 
  1. Your life is the result of your choices. 
  • Don’t give your power away to someone else. Your life – your career – is the result of your own decisions. 


Love the show? Let us know! 

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave us an honest review to let us know! 

Are you ready to take the leap and uplevel your career? Apply for our free monthly Power Hour coaching session! 

Are you a Fierce Feminine Leader, ready to uplevel their career and take the path less traveled but are feeling stuck? Do you seek personal, one-on-one mentoring to help you jumpstart your career to help you make the journey to becoming a fierce leader? Then, I want to speak with you! 

Each month, I offer a complimentary Feminine Leadership Discovery Power Hour Session to my tribe, to help them step into their power, find their ‘power leaks’, and level up in their careers through personalized, one-on-one coaching sessions.  

Visit and apply today to reserve your session to help you get clear on your vision, set the right career goals, and discover what your next big move should be to achieve the success you deserve! Spots are limited, so ACT FAST! 

Jul 19, 2018

Welcome back, my fierce tribe! Today, I want to ask you: Are you too impatient? When you sit down and plan out your 30, 60, or 90 plan, do you become too impatient about seeing results quickly? Do you sometimes feel like your impatience interferes with your success or overall sense of happiness?

Throughout my experience of working with smart, high-achieving, ambitious women, impatience has been one of the most common concerns for my wonderful colleagues. But let me fill you in on a little secret:

If you are a high-achieving, ambitious person, impatience is a natural state of affairs for you.

This feeling is natural, but you need to know that it is also important to reframe it in a way that you can utilize it in a constructive way in your business.

Today, I want to share with you two ways that you can reframe your impatience and use it to achieve the happiness and success you deserve.


2 Ways to Reframe Your Impatience:

  1. Look at it as a sense of urgency that will fuel you to create results quickly.
  2. Use your intuition. Invite a sense of stillness into your life.


My Challenge to You:

  • Deal with your impatience. Analyze it. Reframe it so you can turn it into a constructive tool that you can use to achieve your goals.


Love the show? Let us know!

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know!


Aug 8, 2017

Giving back to the community and the world around you can be an incredibly powerful feeling. Knowing that you, your company, or your business has made a positive impact on someone else can leave you feeling rejuvenated, changing your views on the world around you. Pamela Hawley, founder and CEO of Universal Giving, an award-winning nonprofit that helps individuals and corporations give back and volunteer to communities worldwide through quality and vetted opportunities. 


Pamela has always had the unwavering desire to help people meet their social responsibility and has been in the philanthropic industry for many years. Her organization has assisted Fortune 500 companies such as Cisco and Gap, scale their global corporate social responsibilities worldwide. Today, she shares her journey from working as an intrapreneur to starting up Universal Giving and growing it into the award-winning organization that has helped make a huge impact in thousands of people’s lives all over the world. She shares tips and insight on how other women in business can also provide social good through their business or organization, as well as their community and explains why building solid relationships is more important than preparing sales pitches. 


“You have to work for your calling.” – Pamela Hawley 


Here’s a Breakdown of Today’s Show: 

  • How Pamela’s intrapreneurial experience helped prepare her for the work she does today. 
  • How she grew Universal Giving from a startup to an award-winning, successful organization. 
  • How the Universal Giving model has innovated the nonprofit world. 
  • How women in business can engage with large corporate companies. 
  • Why she focuses more on client retention and less on the sales component. 
  • She explains the challenges she has faced while growing Universal Giving and how she overcame them. 
  • She shares what her most important success factor has been throughout her journey. 
  • She explains how she made the transition into the position of leadership within her organization. 


Connect with Pamela Hawley & Universal Giving: 


My Invitation to You  


Let’s make 2017 your year for success, for courage, for being the fierce feminine leader you know you can be! Reserve your seat to join me and other fierce feminine leaders on November 18 through 20 for a 3-day retreat in Toronto, Canada to crystalize your vision, create a powerful 90-day action plan, and get the tools you need to help you seriouslyuplevelyour life and business.  


Visit the Fierce Feminine Leadership Intensive website to reserve your seat now!  


Love the show? Let us know!  


Are you a fan of the Firece Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know!  

Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!  


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave your review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!  


And, if youreallywant to ramp up your fierceness…  


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!  


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible.  




Jul 28, 2017

Welcome back, Fierce Feminine Leaders! In this episode, I have a special guest on the air with me – Julie Weeks, President and CEO of Womenable, a for-profit social enterprise that works to enable women’s entrepreneurship worldwide.

Julie’s business focuses on helping women-owned businesses through improved systems, policies, laws, programs, and research-based knowledge to help women in the creation and growth of their companies. Julie is the leading expert in the field of women enterprise development, with over 30 years of experience in the public and private sector.

Since 2007, Womenable has partnered with American Express OPEN to develop and deliver research-based statistics on the role that women-owned businesses have had on the post-recession market throughout the United States and globally. She joins us today to share a few of the statistics that the 2016 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report has revealed this year in comparison to previous years, as well as shares some insight on how she grew her business and tips for women who are considering starting a business in the near future.

Thank you, Julie, for being on the show today and sharing this valuable information with the Fierce Feminine Leadership listeners.

Notable Statistics:

  • There are 11.3-Million women-owned businesses in the United States employing nearly 9-Million people and generating over $1.6-Trillion in revenue.
  • Women-owned businesses make up 38% of the business population and employ 8% of the country’s private sector workforce.
  • Since 2007, nearly 1,100 net women-owned businesses are launched each and every day.
  • 44% of women-owned businesses are owned by women of color in the United States.
  • Between 2007 and 2016, 79% of the net new women-owned businesses are owned by women of color.
  • The share of employment that are accounted for women-owned businesses, as well as revenue, remains flat lined since 2002. Employment shares have only grown by one percent – from 7% to 8%. Revenue shares have remained unchanged, at 4%.
  • The fastest growth regarding industry sector is among the smallest kinds in business; the service sector has doubled since 2007.
  • 8 in 10 United States businesses are single-person, private owned businesses, with 9 out of 10 being women-owned.

Tips Julie Shares:

  • Be relentless (in a good way); persevere to reach your business goals.
  • “Stick with it; success doesn’t happen overnight.”
  • Remember – teamwork is important. Balance your strengths and weaknesses. Hire other people to handle your weak points to grow a strong business.
  • Most importantly – have fun!

To get your hands on the 2016 State of Women-Owned Businesses in the United States Report, visit

An Open Invitation to All You Fierce Feminine Leaders

Are you a coach, consultant, entrepreneur, or service provider wanting to sell your expertise and build your brand? I want to invite you to register for my brand new, free training webinar coming up on May 18!

You will learn:

  • The three stories you must tell to become a globally recognized expert, attract influential clients and double your sales in as little as 12-months.
  • Exact sales and marketing structures you need to build a multiple 6-figure business
  • Why so many coaches, consultants, and service providers struggle to replace their corporate salaries.


I am going to give you a behind the scenes look at how I earned a fabulous income as a global thought leader from my base in Canada!

One lucky live participant will win a free gift!

To register for my free training webinar “Stories That Sell,” head over to

Until next time…

Stay fierce!


Jul 10, 2017

Do you dream of writing a book? Becoming a published author is a great way to step into your power and position yourself as an expert in your field. My guest today is Joanna Penn, an international professional speaker, published author, and an award-winning entrepreneur who has published over 20 fiction and non-fiction books, selling over half a million copies worldwide. She has been named as a new York Times and USA Today bestselling author and voted by The Guardian newspaper as one of the Top 100 Creative Professionals in 2013. Additionally, Joanna runs a small press company with her husband.

Joanna joins me today to share how she pivoted her career from working in the corporate world in an industry she no longer enjoyed to becoming a published author. She shares her secrets for selling over 500,000 books on Amazon, how she combined her passion for business with her passion for writing, and she provides practical tips for leveraging the power of Amazon to launch your career as an author.


“The most important thing as a full-time creative is creating.” – Joanna Penn


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • The “author entrepreneur” business model
  • Time management strategies and tips
  • Why the platform to sell your book is critical to the success of your journey as a creative entrepreneur
  • Creating a scalable business as an author
  • How to market and sell your books worldwide
  • How the business model for selling courses differs from selling books
  • Tips for marketing your books
  • How marketing non-fiction books differs from marketing fiction books
  • Contract tips for working with publishers


Joanna Penn’s Top 4 Success Factors:

  1. Defining success and writing affirmations
  2. Taking action
  3. Constantly learning
  4. Being consistent


Resources Mentioned in this Episode:


Connect with Joanna Penn:



Love the show? Let us know!                           


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!                            


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!                            



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…                            


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!                            


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit                            





A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors                           


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.                         


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!  


Jul 7, 2017

We all know that feedback is vitally important to our growth as entrepreneurs. Without feedback, how would we know what areas of our business and the way we lead our teams need to be improved upon? Sometimes, though, feedback can be hard to accept. Sometimes, well-intentioned people in our lives give us feedback that may not be helpful in advancing us toward the next level of success we want to achieve in our lives, businesses, or careers.

On today’s episode, I’m sharing 5 powerful tips on getting the candid feedback you need to advance in your business and career. I’m also sharing a few key strategies that I use to help me decipher whether a piece of feedback that I receive is truly feedback or merely a statement of judgement as well as how I handle the judgmental “haters” that provide unconstructive feedback.


“Attitude, moodiness, and defensiveness are the surest ways to have people stop bringing you feedback and begin writing you off.”


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • The relationship between gender bias and the lack of feedback among female professionals
  • Getting used to receiving and asking for blunt, harsh feedback
  • How to identify and handle unconstructive criticism


3 Ways to Handle Unconstructive Criticism:

  1. Remember Oprah’s phrase: “People will support you until you exceed their expectations of you.”
  2. Allow yourself to get angry. It’s okay to rant and vent a little!
  3. Identify if there is a lesson you can take from the feedback. If so, take the lesson. If not, discard the feedback and move on.


Mentioned in This Episode:



Love the show? Let us know!                           


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!                            


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!                            



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…                            


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!                            


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit                            





A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors                           


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.                         


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!     


Jul 5, 2017

Cindy Whitehead is a powerhouse serial entrepreneur, speaker, and a highly-regarded women’s health advocate. She has been called a “tireless force of nature” by Fortune and over the last 10 years, she has successfully sold two businesses for over $1.5 billion U.S. dollars. Her success story has been featured in The New York Times, The Associated Press, Financial Times, Vanity Fair, and Bloomberg.

In 2016, she founded The Pink Ceiling, a venture capital and consulting enterprise for women. Today, Cindy joins me to share her insight on why it’s so important for women to get advice and listen to candid mentors that not only encourage us, but will also share things we may not want to hear.


“You always have to be unapologetic in your mission.” – Cindy Whitehead


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • What drove her to start her first business
  • Finding the right investors to scale your business
  • What inspired her to transition her focus on male sexual health to female sexual health
  • Society’s “value judgement” on sexual health for women
  • The moment of validation that pushed her to dispute the FDA
  • The biggest lesson she has learned in building and scaling two successful businesses
  • The Pinkubator’s mission
  • Common success factors and capacity gaps among female entrepreneurs
  • The importance of giving and receiving direct feedback
  • The celebration of entrepreneurship and the issue with the absence of candor
  • How she ensures she receives candid feedback
  • Cultivating your own “unusual creativity” to fuel innovation


Mentioned in This Episode:


Connect with Cindy Whitehead:



Love the show? Let us know!                          


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!                           


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!                           



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…                           


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!                           


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit                           





A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors                          


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.                        


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!      




Jul 3, 2017

Rosetta Thurman is the founder of Happy Black Woman, a 500,000-woman strong tribe where she teaches women – particularly black women – how to step into their power, feel empowered, and live their best lives through personal development and entrepreneurship. In as little as 7 years, she quit her job as the executive director of a non-profit organization, start a successful blog, build her massive tribe, and create a 7-figure business.

Keep Reading >>

Today, Rosetta takes us behind the scenes on how she built her massive tribe. She explains how she learned how to protect her time and exert her boundaries while consistently staying in pursuit of her goals, dreams, and aspirations. She shares why she feels staying true to herself and her authenticity as a black woman has helped her connect and inspire so many women around the world, leading them on their successful journey to creating and building the life they deserve.


“Nobody has a right to disrupt your energy. It’s a choice you make.” – Rosetta Thurman


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • How she built her tribe by staying authentic and true to herself
  • The commitment she made to allow herself quiet time to reflect
  • The balancing act between serving the world without neglecting yourself
  • Her journey of releasing her limiting beliefs
  • How being motivated by her own desires instead of other people’s fears have helped her open new doors of opportunity
  • How she uses her Manifestation Journal as an affirmation technique to achieving her goals
  • The most common limiting belief shared among women
  • How releasing limiting beliefs and stepping into your power can impact your mindset and help you achieve your goals


Connect with Rosetta Thurman:




Love the show? Let us know!                         


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!                          


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!                          



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…                          


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!                          


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit                          





A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors                         


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.                       


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!     



Jun 28, 2017

Powerful women leaders understand that the single most important thing they can do to up level their careers, businesses and lives is to focus on getting RESULTS. In this episode, Eleanor Beaton shows you one powerful concept you can use each day to radically improve your RESULTS.

May 24, 2017

We all have those moments – the moments in our business that totally frustrate us, drive us crazy, or burn us at our core. Minor – and major – frustrating moments happen periodically in our business. They are completely unavoidable events, but how you handle them and use them to improve yourself, your business, and impact the world around you is important and within your control.

Today, I want to share with you some tips on how you can glean information from those frustrating moments in your life and business as well as how to make these moments your best friend while growing your business.

“Frustration is completely inevitable, but frustration is also a source of some incredible information.”


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Coping with “mini-failures” and using them as a source of information
  • How to use pain points in your business to discover your next steps
  • Using your frustrations to map your forward momentum
  • How frustration is a sign of growth and helps challenge your limits
  • Why it’s important to learn h ow to get comfortable with the discomfort
  • Leaning into your frustrations, but looking at them with interest


3 Critical Pieces of Information from Frustration:

  1. Frustration shows you where you need to go
  2. It paints a picture of your progress
  3. It teaches you where you need to approach your life with a greater level of acceptance



Love the show? Let us know!                   


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!                    


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!                    



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…                    


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!                    


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit                    



A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors                  

This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.                        

Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!  


Apr 21, 2017

What are the three most powerful skills a female leader in business needs to succeed in a highly competitive, male-dominant industry? Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia is a powerhouse female STEM leader and the President and CEO of the organization, Digital Nova Scotia – a nonprofit organization that helps develop digital technology throughout the Canadian region. Her organization is making some serious waves in their growth and impact on the digital economy as well as profiling and supporting women in the digital sector.

Ulrike’s career spans 5 geographic regions and she’s a multi-lingual, award-winning entrepreneur who has been named one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women for two consecutive years, a WCT Wave Maker, a Top 50 CEO by the Atlantic Business Magazine, as well as one of the 40 Top Change Makers in Canada by Canadian Living. She has also received the esteemed Progress Women’s Excellent Award.

Ulrike has over 20 years of global experience in the information and communications technology industry and on today’s episode, she shares her story of how she went from a background in artistry to one of the most successful female leaders in the digital technology industries. She also shares the top three most powerful skills she believes every female leader needs to truly succeed in business, in life, in order to shatter the glass ceiling, overcome gender bias, and pave the way for true gender equality and diversity.


“Entrepreneurship is an attitude and a mindset.” – Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia



Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • The three key elements of successful female leaders
  • Having a natural tendency to confront and conquer challenges
  • Assessing yourself – honestly and frequently – and the impact it can have on you as a leader
  • Handling feedback
  • Reframing big challenges as opportunities
  • Overcoming gender bias


Ulrike’s Advice to Fierce Feminine Leaders:

  • If you see something that you feel is too big for you – it might not be too big. Just go for it.
  • Find your way. Always learn and interact with people to understand and ask questions.
  • Don’t take things personally.


Ulrike’s Top 3 Success Tips to Emerging Feminine Leaders:

  1. Have a positive attitude.
  2. Be authentic. Be yourself.
  3. Be adaptable. Those that are most adaptable survive – not those that are most intelligent.


Connect with Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia:


 Download the Tip Sheet with Ulrike's Insight's here.


Love the show? Let us know!         

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!         


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!         


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…         


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!         


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit         


A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors        


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.        

Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!   


Apr 19, 2017

In episode 151 of the Fierce Feminine Leadership podcast, Amy Jo Kim provided powerful insight from the game design industry on ways you can create innovative ideas and turn them into highly successful products and services. During the conversation, the idea of “killing your darlings” came up numerous times as well as why it’s important to evaluate, assess, and let go of the things that are not working for your project, business, or organization.

Today, I want to discuss what it means to “kill your darlings” and why taking this step is often one of the hardest for many entrepreneurs and female leaders. I also want to share the positive impact that letting go of what’s not working can have on your business or organization once you get past the emotional aspect of “killing your baby” and begin pruning it to perfection as well as share some key questions you should ask to help identify what is working, what’s not working, and what your next steps should be.

When you’re willing to kill off the darlings to preserve the body of strength of your work, you will find that not only do you develop a deeper sense of confidence, but your relationship with your tribe and overall effectiveness is greatly enhanced.


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • The emotional aspect of killing your darlings
  • Why it’s important to prune what’s not working to make room for things that work
  • Utilizing feedback from “fussy” clients and customers


3 “Darling Killing” Questions You Should Be Asking:

  1. What should you keep doing because it’s working?
  2. What should you stop doing because it is not working?
  3. What should you start doing because it would be even more helpful?

Click here for the free How to Kill Your Darlings worksheet


Love the show? Let us know!       

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!        


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!        


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…        

Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!        


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit        


A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors       


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of Montreal – The Bank for Women.     


Join the conversation at BMO for Women to gain the insight, knowledge, and support you need to succeed and to truly understand how to manage your money!  


Apr 10, 2017

Have you ever thought about how your clothes impact your self-esteem and the way you feel? Whether you are stepping out on a stage to give a presentation to a massive audience, dressing for success for a day at the office, or you’re wearing your “comfy clothes” while running the kids to soccer practice, your style and the clothes you wear have an impact on the way you feel about yourself, your success, and how you present yourself to the world.

On today’s episode, my guest is personal stylist Maegan Watson. Maegan is a dear friend and colleague of mine and the founder of Watson Style Group – a group dedicated to creating wardrobes that help people feel the way they want and love the way they look. She has over 10 years of experience helping women transform their wardrobes and put an end to the seemingly unending question: “What should I wear today?” Maegan shares her thoughts on how style is different from fashion and the insights she has learned from conducting hundreds of in-depth conversations and interviews with women about their style and how it affects their overall view of themselves and how they feel.


“When we have a wardrobe or an outfit that reminds us of what we want, they become an anchor.” – Maegan Watson


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast:

  • Style is creating the image that is going to make you know yourself on a deeper level.
  • All women want the same things when it comes to style – they all want to be able to reflect something about themselves.
  • Reflecting your personal and professional mission through your style and wardrobe.
  • Addressing the idea that style is frivolous or meaningless and why it’s important.
  • The process Maegan uses to personalize wardrobes for her clients.
  • The dynamic approach her team uses to support her clients wardrobe transformations.


Maegan’s Tips for Enhancing Your Style:

  • Stop focusing on how you look. Focus on how you feel in outfits.


Connect with Maegan Watson:



Love the show? Let us know!    


Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton!     


What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing!     



And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness…     


Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team!     


Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit     




A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors    


This episode was made possible by our wonderful sponsors, BMO – Bank of MontrealThe Bank for Women.  



Mar 13, 2017

Right now is an incredibly exciting time for the state of small business. Thousands of people around the world are getting inspired to start a business, work for themselves, and follow their passions. In fact, statistics have shown that over the last 20 years, the growth rate of non-employer businesses in the United States has grown by a whopping 62%! Payroll jobs, however, have only grown by about 12%. More and more people around the world are realizing the shaky ground that is occurring throughout “traditional employment” and deciding to take action and take their fate into their own hands. 

Keep Reading >

Today, fierce ones, I am talking with author, speaker, and business strategist, Tara Gentile. Tara is a regular instructor on the CreativeLive series and has been featured in many publications including FastCompany, Forbes, and Design Sponge. She has also been featured in The New York Times bestselling book by Chris Guillebeau – The $100 Start Up. Tara passionately works with small businesses and “idea-driven” entrepreneurs, teaching them how to lead themselves and their business based on what makes them most effective and compelling. She joins me on the show today to share her insight and knowledge about what’s happening in the state of small business and what fierce women like you should focus on to achieve your business goals. 


We have to be connected to what it is that we are actually trying to accomplish, the vision that we are actually trying to make real.” – Tara Gentile 


Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: 

  • The distinction between “the gig economy” and “the new economy.” 
  • The difference between the “employee” mindset and the “business owner” mindset. 
  • How Tara moved through and overcame the challenge of shifting her mindset from employee to business owner. 
  • The “Quiet Power Strategy.” 
  • What are “growth styles.” 
  • Why you should 10x your revenue goals. 


Tara’s Advice to Fierce Women Entrepreneurs: 

  1. Don’t hold yourself back. Be mindful of the choices you make. 
  1. Focus on others. Business is about other people – not filling a personal emotional void. 
  1. Set bigger goals. 


Connect with Tara Gentile: 

Love the show? Let us know! 

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review to let us know! Each month, one lucky podcast reviewer will be selected to receive a free coaching session with me – Eleanor Beaton! 

What are you waiting for? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review to enter your name into this month’s drawing! 


And, if you really want to ramp up your fierceness 

Reach out to us for a free 30-minute Bold Women in Business Makeover Session with me or one of the fabulous coaches on my team! 

Explore your path and discover how you can be the fiercest lady-boss possible. Visit



Mar 10, 2017

On today’s episode of Fierce Feminine Leadership...

It took less than 2 years for CEO and Founder of BikiniLuxe, Candice Galek to  parlay her experience as a swimsuit model into a thriving multimillion dollar online swimwear business. What started as a tiny startup on her living room table in Miami Beach, FL  is now  a global powerhouse business with a team of 40 members worldwide and quarter million social media followers.

From the onset of BikiniLuxe, Candice realized she needed to leverage her wealth of knowledge about the swimsuit industry as well as the connections she had made during her modeling career to get BikiniLuxe off the ground. That coupled with her strong skillset in sales and customer relations laid the foundation for her success.

More about BikiniLuxe

  • They sell over 4000 swimwear products for women and men through the site.
  • Most of the brands represented on the site have demonstrated a corporate social responsibility in which they give back to the community.
  • Entering into their third year they’ll hit $5 million in sales.

Candice’s Advice to Entrepreneurs...

  • Be open to new ideas and push the boundaries
  • Leverage your connections to gain legitimate information and to gain new connections
  • When making connections make the highest connection you can possibly reach.
  • Don’t spend too much time on one thing.- pitch 20 people rather than spending a lot of time on one person
  • Look to large scale businesses to see what they are doing wrong and try and do it better
  • Be persistent
  • “Don’t spend your time or money on being boring.”


Candice on embracing controversy and being galvanizing in expressing your views.

  • Attention spans are short- people are one click away from scrolling by you and your content. Controversy can help keep people focused on you and your message. 
  • Controversy can be leveraged into massive social media reach.


Connect with Candice



Serious in taking your own career to the next level?

Go to to download our Success Pack.  You’ll get access to my Ee-book  Success Secrets of Bold Women in Business as well as 4 interview recordings with powerhouse women in business who will help you advance your career.


Mar 8, 2017

Happy International Women’s Day! This year’s motto of International Women’s Day is “Be Bold.”   Which leads to the questions, what does it mean to be truly bold? What would be possible if you were able to unlock 15% more confidence, influence, presence and power- simply put, if you were able to be more bold?


To create incredible transformation in this world, it is important for us to act in bold ways and harness our confidence.


Steps to Being Bold

  1. Make the commitment to your dream/goal/idea
  2. Have the courage to take action
  3. Break things down so you can actually execute said dream/goal/idea
  4. Develop the confidence you need to be bold and implement the actions


My challenge to you

Don’t wait for confidence to take your next steps. Make the commitment to the best version of you and to make the changes you want to make so you can ultimately create the life, career, impact and significance that you desire.


Feb 22, 2017

On this Episode of Fierce Feminine Leadership...

When it comes to creating the success that you crave, many women let themselves down by not executing on the little things day in and day out that will ultimately make a difference. 

  • The little things are what can hold you back from success in your business
  • You wake up every day with choices. Will you say “yes” to an invitation to speak at an event? Will you ask for the sale?
  • Each day you are faced with moments where you can lean in to the challenge, and take a small step.
  • You mustn’t listen to the voice inside you that says it is too hard or too much work. If you do, the big things will not happen for you.


If you have big dreams and big goals, you MUST take the small consistent daily risks required to get yourself a seat at the big tables. It’s the emails and calls that you have to execute if you want to achieve your BIG GOALS this year. It is the COURAGE you must have in the moment to keep showing up. 

If you show up for the little things, the big things will take care of themselves.


Final thoughts... 

If you execute on just a few simple shifts or small changes, you can add thousands of dollars to your revenue. To be successful you must be confident in yourself and be confident in the shifts you are making.

If you want to alter your trajectory for your business an career through major changes, stop worrying so much on the big things and focus instead on the little moments throughout the day that will make a difference.


Calling all Coaches, Consultants and Thought Leaders…

If you are starting a business or have just launched a business and you are in the thought leader, coach, consultant, or expert space, I want to share with you a fabulous new video training series that I’ve just launched.

In this 4 video training series you’ll learn:

  • The biggest mistakes that I see coaches, consultants and thought leader based people making when they are building their businesses.
  • Tips and strategies that you can put in place in your business right now in order to build a healthy thriving business

Head over to to learn more.

Feb 20, 2017

On this Episode of Fierce Feminine Leadership……

The most powerful opportunities in your career are most likely to be coming from your connections. In a study of thousands of senior women, done by the LeanIn Organization and McKinsey & Co., they discovered that senior women actually attributed most of their career advancement to their connections. The research also showed that women have far fewer ties to influential people than men.

Rather than networking across or down as most women do, women need to cultivate powerful ties to senior, powerful, influential and well-connected people.   

Networking can be an incredible tool to help you build or advance your career if done correctly.   


Networking 101

Spend 10-20% of your time developing powerful relationships. Powerhouse women understand that their success is not just what they can do personally, but their success is derived from their delivery system.

Show up at networking events ready to connect with others as everyday people. Talk to them about experiences that shaped you as a person or even your vacation plans. This allows the conversation to be interesting and be about more than just work.

Triage is the name of the game. Powerhouse women research the event formats that they are going to attend and prioritize events that offer plenty of mingling. They are not just showing up to see a speaker, they are showing up to mingle and network with other people at the event.

Do your research! Find out who is going to be at the event and even do some research a head of time to find out what they do and more about their company. This will put you in a powerful and knowledgeable position.

Ask for the contact information from the ppl you want to connect with most.

Keep in touch with people. The last thing you want to do is lose that connection.


Final Remarks

Networking is one of the most powerful and important things you can take part in. Networking allows you to have meaningful connections and find people within organizations that can benefit you and your life. Keeping in touch with those connections is vital for your future, as you may need to call on one of your relationships for something one day.


Calling all Coaches, Consultants and Thought Leaders…

If you are starting a business or have just launched a business and you are in the thought leader, coach, consultant, or expert space, I want to share with you a fabulous new video training series that I’ve just launched.

In this 4 video training series you’ll learn:

  • The biggest mistakes that I see coaches, consultants and thought leader based people making when they are building their businesses.
  • Tips and strategies that you can put in place in your business right now in order to build a healthy thriving business

Head over to to learn more.


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