
Woman Owned: The Growth Podcast for Women Entrepreneurs

Get inspired as Eleanor shares transparent insights about her own journey bootstrapping a media and coaching company from a $5K business loan to millions in revenue. A practical business and leadership podcast for the established woman entrepreneur who wants to go from good to great. Woman Owned brings you case-study style interviews where leading entrepreneurs and CEOs share detailed breakdowns of specific growth strategies, how they implemented them and the financial results. Host Eleanor Beaton goes beyond pop psychology and woo to deliver hard-hitting insights on how social conditioning impacts women leaders and CEOs and what to do about it. Tune in weekly for practical growth playbooks on sales, marketing, wealth building and leadership. This show holds over 1.6 million downloads and a global top 1% ranking.
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Woman Owned: The Growth Podcast for Women Entrepreneurs











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Now displaying: July, 2016
Jul 29, 2016

Last week, I took a vacation to spend time with my amazing husband and two boys. On this vacation, we went to New Mexico to attend my 19-year high school reunion. During my vacation, I have come to learn many valuable lessons about myself – one of which was how much insecurity has impacted my life all through school as well as my early adult life.

Ladies, insecurity is a very, very common thing to experience. However, it also carries a huge price tag. Today, I want to get a little personal with you and share how my high school reunion has opened my eyes to “a whole new world,” how I plan to stop doubting myself and being insecure, and how you can go with me along this journey to becoming a more confident you!


We can’t change society without changing ourselves. – Eleanor Beaton


Here’s a Breakdown of Today’s Episode:

  • Research shows that 7 out of every 10 girls believe they are not good enough or don’t measure up in some way.
  • Self-esteem in girls starts to plummet after the age of 10.
  • Insecurity stops you from fully connecting with your experiences and the people around you.
  • Self-doubt is a waste of time, energy, and potential.
  • Be aware of your insecurities, kick them to the curb, and keep on truckin’.


My Challenge to You:

Join me in taking these steps to overcome insecurities, live to your fullest potential, and achieve goals you will be profoundly proud of 20, 30, or 40 years from now:

  • Say “no more” to hiding.
  • Say “no more” to trying to be nice when you really need to express your opinion.
  • Say “no more” to worrying whether or not you look awesome. (Deep down, you know you always look awesome!)
  • Say “no more” to doubting your abilities when you know your abilities are good enough for your purposes, or you have the tools you need to get them where they need to be to execute and fulfil your vision and purpose.
  • Be aware and diligent about when your insecurities rear their ugly head. Call them out, dust them off, lay them on the side of the track and move on.


Love the show? Let us know!

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review to let us know!


Jul 15, 2016

It’s always a good idea to identify potential problems before starting out on something, but it’s not so great if you let them deter you from following through with your plans. Over the last month I’ve had several questions on this topic, all variations on the theme of “If I take this action, will this bad thing happen?” Often they’re valid concerns – but should they stop you doing something that your intuition tells you is a good idea? I don’t think so, and that’s why I decided to make this podcast. 

In today’s episode I want to talk about this trend, why it’s holding us back and how we can rise above it. I’m taking inspiration from the words of Mark Twain - “I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” 


How hypothetical problems hold us back – and why it matters 

  • Your intuition whispers; your fears scream. 
  • The voice of your intuition is worth listening to, but it’s quiet. It speaks quietly and softly, and you have to listen carefully for it.   
  • Your fears, however, are really good at making themselves heard. Unless you make a conscious effort they can easily bulldoze your intuitive voice. 
  • Learn what the fear voice sounds like, so you’ll recognize it when it tries to make you hold back. 
  • Deal with problems that actually exist. 
  • You need to deal with problems that are affecting you, but why be distracted by ones that might occur? 
  • Being prepared is good, but when you start to listen to fears you’re leaning out, not leaning in. 
  • Create the problem, then deal with it. 
  • Often, problems arise when you take a step forwards. If you avoid the problems you’re also avoiding the opportunity. 
  • Create the problem! You can overcome it, and it’s a sign that you’re getting somewhere. 
  • I find that the problems people are worried about are actually good ones to have. You’re worried that you’ll end up with more clients than you can handle? Fantastic! Go for it; if  
  • Real problems are easier to deal with than theoretical ones. 
  • When you’re thinking about a problem you aren’t facing yet, what can you do about it? The only real solution is to avoid taking the steps that might cause it – but what will you be giving up if you do that? 
  • Face the challenge. 
  • Work your way into having some good problems to deal with. Bring on those extra clients or packed schedule. 
  • I’ve never encountered a problem that I couldn’t deal with or find someone to help me with. Notice your fears, but don’t invest in them. 
  • …especially fears of your own greatness!  


Resources mentioned: 

If you want to learn more about how to focus on the problems that matter, send me an email at We’ll send you all the free resources to help you see all the opportunities that are waiting for you, instead of the potential drawbacks that might be. 


Love the show? Let us know! 

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review to let us know! 


Jul 13, 2016

Speaking engagements are a powerful strategy that many women thought leaders use to help build their businesses and position themselves as the ‘go-to’ expert in their fields. Many women thought leaders have the internal compulsion to get up on stage, share their stories, ideas, insights, and message to a larger audience – but are unsure of how to make it happen. They become perfectionists, focusing on perfecting their full-length speeches before they’ve even landed a speaking gig, or they have the desire to speak but aren’t sure about what it takes to step onto that big stage. 


In today’s episode, I want to share with you five insider secrets about speaking engagements that you will want to know before stepping foot on the stage floor. 


5 Insider Secrets About Speaking Engagements 

  • The Business World Craves Women Speakers. 
  • Conference organizers are looking for women speakers. 
  • If you dream of speaking, make the internal commitment and just do it! 
  • Don’t Expect to Be A Highly Paid Speaker… At First. 
  • At first, you may need to accept free speaking gigs. Although you’re not getting paid to talk, you are getting something even more valuable: experience, reputation growth, and – potentially – new clients. 
  • Solve A Problem For Your Audience. 
  • Topics are boring. Solve a big problem for your audience. 
  • Find a unique angle. Tell some stories. Make sure your speech addresses a big problem that your audience is struggling with. 
  • Get Booked First. 
  • Land a speaking gig before creating your full-length speech. Work smarter, not harder. 
  • Create an overview, laden with benefits, then approach organizers about speaking at their event. 
  • Two great resources for finding speaking engagements:  
  • & Professional Associations. 
  • It’s All In The Title, Baby! 
  • Create a bold headline that focuses on the problem. 
  • Compelling headlines work every time. 


Resources Mentioned: 

If you want to learn more about how you can start using speaking engagements to grow your business, your reputation, your track record, and use it as a client attracting machine, send me an email at We’ll send you all the free resources to help you get on your way to becoming a powerhouse public speaker! 


Love the show? Let us know! 

Are you a fan of the Fierce Feminine Leadership podcast? If the tips and interviews we share in each episode have helped you gain the confidence and inspiration to become a better, more powerful leader, head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave an honest review to let us know!

Jul 6, 2016

Watching a woman transform and take control of her role as a female leader within her organization and step into her power is an incredible thing to witness. It’s like watching a flower bloom – she changes from a delicate, yet instrumental part of an organization’s nature to an impactful, beautiful blooming flower, ready to excite and impress the world around her.

As with the blooming flower, as she gains confidence and will often look different, sound different, and as her impact begins to increase, her income also generally follows suit.

Today, I want to share with you the seven critical strategies that high-achieving women need to develop to create unstoppable confidence, improve their impact within their organization or business, and increase their income.


Top 7 Strategies for Unstoppable Confidence

  1. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
  • Success favors boldness
  1. Focus on iterations.
  • It’s not about perfection. It’s about iterations.
  • The more we put new work out into the world, the more we hone our confidence, get feedback in real time from real people, and ultimately, the better our products and services will be.
  1. Pick a horse and ride it.
  • You will find success when you choose a course of action, you commit to it, and you go for it.
  • The clarity you are seeking will come through the actions you take.
  1. Stay in action.
  • Take consistent daily actions toward your goals. Course correct as you go.
  1. Find new friends.
  • Your income and your experience will be a direct result of the five people you spend the most time with and are most influenced by.
  1. Conversations create.
  • Network
  • Ask yourself: How many conversations are you having on a daily, or weekly, basis? What are you talking about?
  1. Have a bias to boldness.
  • It is critical for you to stand out from your competitors. Be creative, have an opinion, and speak your opinion to stand out.


Subscribe & Review the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast for a Chance to Win This Month’s Contest!

At the end of each month, one lucky reviewer will win a free private coaching session with me! Are you feeling lucky? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest feedback to enter your name into the contest!


Jul 4, 2016

Hey there, my fierce ones! Today, I want to talk to you about a conversation that came up at a meeting I attended earlier this week with the CEO, partner, and the senior members of a large professional services firm. During this discussion, an interesting topic came up about how women sometimes need to bend – or break – some “corporate” rules, or ideas we perceive as rules, to step into our power and become the successful leaders we know we can be.

I was so inspired by this conversation and realized that many of the women that I work with every day are often feeling governed by a set of rules that may or may not exist in their organization. So I want to discuss briefly with you why it is so important for you to break a rule every now and then so that you can truly step into your incredible potential and lead your team on your terms, without sacrificing what matters most to you.


Here's a Breakdown of Today’s Episode:

  • The key to rising through the ranks in your organization is always to have a voice.
  • Step into your power. Take control of your schedule. Don’t be afraid to “break a rule” from time to time to lead your team effectively, but without sacrificing your freedom or what’s important to you.
  • Don’ limit yourself – your power – based on a set of rules you created for yourself.


“Sometimes, smart, ambitious women need to break some rules to create the freedom, the impact, and to have the rewards they deserve.” – Eleanor Beaton


My Challenge to You:

Stop worrying about whether you will get into trouble if you step into your power and use your voice. Don’t worry about getting into trouble for setting your own schedule around important things in your life.

Get out there, step into your power, use your voice, and be the ambitious women leader we all know you can be!


Subscribe & Review the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast for a Chance to Win This Month’s Contest!

At the end of each month, one lucky reviewer will win a free private coaching session with me! Are you feeling lucky? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest feedback to enter your name into the contest!


Jul 1, 2016

Hey, my fierce leaders! Welcome back to the Fierce Feminine Leadership podcast – the success podcast for ambitious women in business. In today’s episode, I talk a little about the power seat. When you walk into a boardroom, what seat do you usually take at the table? Do you sit at the head of the table? In the corner? Perhaps somewhere in the middle?

In the communications industry, your body language is as important as the things you say and the way you say them.

Think about it. When you enter a boardroom meeting, who is it at that table that commands to have their voice heard, their suggestions and ideas considered? Often, it is the one sitting in the power seat.

So, today, I want to share with you where the power seat is, and why you need to step into your power and take that seat at the big table.


Where Is the Power Seat in a Board Room and Why You Should Occupy It?

  • The power seat is the seat in the middle of the table.
  • Sitting in the middle of the table, with all of your peers surrounding you, puts you in a position of power. It silently signals to your executive peers that your voice and ideas are important and deserve to be considered.


My Challenge to You:

At your next boardroom meeting – and each and every following meeting – find a way to occupy the power seat at the table.


A Special Announcement

Are you looking to expand your knowledge about digital marketing and search engine optimization? This week, Mindy Weinstein, the Digital Marketing Expert for the Experts” has agreed to conduct a free training webinar and share some inside secrets on how you can gain more online traction for your business through digital marketing and search engine optimization.

Mindy has trained countless corporations and businesses, including the marketing team at Facebook, on the ways to improve their digital marketing techniques. I am incredibly excited that she has agreed to help my Fierce Feminine tribe with her valuable insight.

Click the button below to register and save your spot!


Subscribe & Review the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast for a Chance to Win This Month’s Contest!

At the end of each month, one lucky reviewer will win a free private coaching session with me! Are you feeling lucky? Head on over to iTunes, subscribe to the show and leave your honest feedback to enter your name into the contest!