You might have heard the term, “The riches are in the niches” thrown around in business. But what does that really mean for you as CEO of your company?
Listen in to discover how to increase your sales philosophy and speed up the flow of money by unlocking your riches in your niches. You’ll hear how having the courage to refine can change your life and business, how to get clear on what your Most Valuable Buyers want, and why this process is all about studying the gold that’s already in your business right now.
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If you think about the most successful companies in the world, they’ve all invested in building unforgettable brands that emblazon their presence in the marketplace. They deliver that X factor that calls to their most valuable buyers, and it’s reinforced by their brand promise.
Join Eleanor this week as she’s walking you through the what and the how of embodying brand promise as a leader, why your brand promise provides clarity around your company’s purpose, presence, and positioning, and some powerful examples of brand promises that are working in the marketplace today.
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If you currently run a service-based business, or run a product-based business but want to add new revenue streams by offering services, listen up. Tune in to discover what the three phases of building a PPAM business are, what to expect as you move through each stage, the foundational pieces you need in place to grow, and the milestones and specific tasks you’ll be aiming for in each phase.
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For over a decade, Eleanor ran an extremely successful consulting business. However, the downside of this model was that if she stopped working, so did the money. So eventually, she decided it was time to create something that was more lasting, leveraged, and had higher income potential.
In this episode of our Foundations series, Eleanor is introducing you to a business structure called PPAM or Premium Priced Ascension Model. She’s walking you through why you need to build this kind of ecosystem, and the core milestones that need to be in place to take your business from where it is today to a thriving seven-figure service business that delivers cash, influence, and autonomy.
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Discover how to declutter your business and apply seven-figure constraints to create a sustainable business that is custom made for you. You’ll learn what happens when you don’t apply constraints, and how being intentional about the constraints you’re going to put in place will create a cash machine that can build wealth, impact thousands of people, and grow well beyond you.
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