If you’re currently growing your company, the reality is you need to develop stronger preparation skills to help you maximize your impact with less stress and more joy, and Eleanor’s got you covered this week.
Listen in to hear Eleanor’s simple but powerful four-step preparation protocol she uses to get clear on her priorities, set better intentions, and truly maximize her impact, and learn how implementing this process will help you take on big challenges while feeling calm, composed and supported as you finish out the year strong.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://safimedia.co/WO25
What does it take to turn your expertise into patented inventions that generate millions?
Eleanor sits down with Amy Jordan, former Marvel Studios executive turned pilates entrepreneur, who did exactly that. Amy shares how she sketched out her first pilates machine on a plane, invested over $200K to prototype it, and then launched the WundaBar Pilates brand… but the journey wasn’t easy. Tune in to hear all the details of Amy's incredible entrepreneurial journey and glean insights on how to turn your own ideas into valuable, revenue-generating assets.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://safimedia.co/WO24
What do you need to let go of in your business in order to grow to the next level? When it comes to scaling a business, the most smart, savvy, and successful business owners understand that sometimes, less is actually more.
In today’s case study interview, Eleanor is joined by Oonagh Duncan, a multi-award-winning fitness expert and author of the international bestselling book Healthy as F*ck. Oonagh walks you through a series of cuts, scale-backs, and eliminations she has made over the last couple of decades of growing her fitness empire, and how each of those phases produced the next quantum leap.
Tune in this week to learn Oonagh’s insights on how subtracting and simplifying can actually lead to exponential business growth.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://safimedia.co/WO23